Aeromexico: Connecting Queretaro With The World

Aeromexico, Mexico’s global airline, announced that, starting October 1st, it will begin operating a twice-daily service between Mexico City and Queretaro to boost its connectivity in the Mexican Bajio region.

The new route, strategically chosen to connect passengers to over 80 destinations in Mexico and around the world will be served by 50-seater Embraer 145 airliners, on the following schedules:

Mexico City – Queretaro

AM2460 09:00 A.M. 10:05 A.M. DAILY
AM2462 06:00 P.M. 07:03 P.M. DAILY

Queretaro – Mexico City *

AM2461 10:30 A.M. 11:23 A.M. DAILY
AM2463 07:25 P.M. 10:22 P.M. DAILY

*Schedules published in local times and are subject to change without notice.

“The state of Queretaro has experienced tremendous growth not only in terms of tourism, but also in several sectors in which it has taken on a leading role in Mexico, such as the aeronautical industry. This is why Aeromexico—together with our partner Delta Air Lines—opened TechOps in Queretaro, as the most modern state-of-the-art MRO in all of Latin America,” said Anko van der Werff, Chief Revenue Officer at Aeromexico.

“Passengers traveling from Queretaro, and in particular business travelers, will go through Aeromexico’s main hub at Terminal 2 in the Mexico City International Airport, from which they can safely and easily connect to the more than 40 cities we serve in Mexico, in addition to our 16 destinations in the United States, 15 in Latin America, three in Canada and Europe, and two in Asia.

By adding these new services to the three daily flights operated by the airline from Monterrey, Aeromexico is set to consolidate its presence in Queeétaro and the Bajio region, as well as offer customers better connectivity options and contribute to the development of this all-important Mexican state.

About Grupo Aeromexico
Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V. is a holding company whose subsidiaries are engaged in commercial aviation in Mexico and the promotion of passenger loyalty programs. Aeromexico, the largest airline in Mexico, operates more than 600 daily flights and its main hub is in Terminal 2 at the Mexico City International Airport. Its destinations network features more than 80 cities on three continents, including 46 destinations in Mexico, 16 in the United States, 15 in Latin America, three in Canada, three in Europe and two in Asia.

The Group’s fleet of more than 120 aircraft is comprised of Boeing 787, 777, 767 and 737 jet airliners and next generation Embraer 145, 170, 175 and 190 models. In 2012, the airline announced the most significant investment strategy in aviation history in Mexico, to purchase 100 Boeing aircraft including 90 MAX B737 jet airliners and 10 B787-9 Dreamliners.

As a founding member of SkyTeam, the airline alliance which this year celebrates its 15th anniversary, Aeromexico offers customers more than 1,000 destinations in 177 countries served by the 20 SkyTeam airline partners rewarding passengers with benefits including access to 636 premium airport lounges around the world. Aeromexico also offers travel on its codeshare partner flights with Delta Air Lines, Alaska Airlines, Avianca, LAN, TACA and TAM with extensive connectivity in countries like the United States, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia and Peru.



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Lanza SENASICA nueva app para viajeros que quieren saber… ¿Qué T traes?

Ante la necesidad cada vez mayor de la gente que viaja a México por llevar alimentos de los países que se visitan, SAGARPA y el Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASICA) lanzaron una nueva app que funciona tanto para Apple como para Android.

Esta útil herramienta,  permitirá al usuario durante su viaje, determinar si los productos que está comprando pueden ser o no introducidos en México, evitando así, riesgos sanitarios y pasar malos ratos al ingresar al país frente a las autoridades sanitarias.

A principios del mes de diciembre de 2016, en el marco de la Expo Agroalimentaria organizada por la Segretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural y Pesca (SAGARPA), se lanzó la App “Qué T Traes”. Se expuso que con esta App, lo que se pretende es que los viajeros se informen acerca de los lineamientos para evitar la entrada de plagas y enfermedades a nuestro país, a fin de generar e incrementar la cultura sanitaria en la sociedad mexicana.

La principal herramienta de la app es: “Pasa o no Pasa”,  en la que se podrán conocer los requisitos para ingresar a México con alimentos y saber con anticipación los productos que están prohibidos para su ingreso.

Para descargar la app:

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